Sunday, November 8, 2015

Word of the Lord to the Restoring Remnant - By Mike McClung - November 8, 2015

This morning, during one of the most awesome teachings on healing I’ve heard by Dr. Richard Mays (who is a member of our covenant community), the Spirit spoke the following to me in a very strong way. I trust this will bless, challenge and bring great strength to His awakened remnant....

The Lord spoke and said that He has always been looking at the position of our hearts before Him, and not necessarily our actions, and He has continued working His plan of restoration and reformation over the last few years of testing, right up to the current hour, many times in spite of us.

The books of Ezra and Nehemiah are templates for what He is now doing. We must study and saturate ourselves in these works to have the grace and discernment to both build and battle over the next seven years. We have just walked through intense times of testing and purification of hearts, motives and desires, tested by slander, criticism and rejection, with an attending demonic attack of disappointment, with its resultant death to self. Now the days of finishing the work through worship and training (Ezra’s teaching/training - Ezra 7) are here.

This is what the Spirit said directly:

“NOW!..see it! Embrace it! Separate yourself to Me and My purposes as they unfold, and see My desire fulfilled.

John 17, the restored Tabernacle of David, a bride prepared and every true, Spirit-born vision and promise will now be finished. It will be by and through My Spirit all will be accomplished. Restoration is here! Reformation is here! Tune your ears to HEAR and HEED what I’m saying and teaching, and simply yield and obey Me. Do not be foolish, but discern the times through My word and by My Spirit. The days of revival, transformation and harvest are upon you!

NOW...I will begin to restore all that has been sifted by the enemy, and willingly laid down in sacrifice to Me over these last years. I will cause great harvest to come forth in each life that has separated to Me, in love embracing the cross, to allow Me to purify and separate the vile from the precious, the flesh from Spirit. Do not become complacent, but allow the fire of My love and holiness to move deeper into the recesses of your souls in order that I may make you the corporate temple of My body I have desired to raise and display My glory in and through.”
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