Sunday, March 1, 2015

Dismantled to be Remantled By Mike McClung

On February 26, 2015, when I sat down to read and meditate in the scriptures, the Lord told me that we're beginning to enter into the second half of Jeremiah 1:10 - for the remnant that is coming out of Babylonian, church system captivity. He said, "It's time to begin to build and plant." It’s time to plant the MATURE word (meat) of restoration and build the body of Christ into partnership with Him, exhibiting His nature and kingdom (authority), and preparing our communities and nations for harvest and His return. Since the mid-1990s, the ministry of "tearing down and plucking up" has been released, with only a small remnant of the organized church willing to let Him "dismantle" them, and the man-made system we've been a part of for centuries.

Two weeks ago, the Lord told me that over the last 12-15 years, He has been “dismantling” (rooting out, plucking up) His sons and daughters that would cooperate and allow it to happen. This means there has been a systematic, orderly tearing down of what they once were. The last decade, especially the last 3-5 years, have been some of the most trying, discouraging, hurtful and dark times many have personally known, including myself. It has seemed as if none of the promises, purposes or callings originally given were/are ever going to be fulfilled. This past season was not the purpose of fulfilling those promises, but the new season will see the beginning of fulfillment.

This past season has been about “rooting out, pulling down, destroying and throwing down” (Jer. 1:10a). “Dismantling”, if you will. We have tried walking in the fullness of the calling (mantle), only never to see the glory of the fullness of what He’s promised happen, both individually and corporately. The “mantle” could not “operate” while our hearts and lives were in the condition they were in, so we had to be “dismantled” - our lives, ministries, businesses, relationships, ad infinitum - passing through the rooting and sifting stage. NOW, He is about to loose a TRUE apostolic word, anointing and authority that will BUILD the body of Christ, individually and corporately, according to the pattern of Himself - the true temple of the Holy Spirit. As His image is restored in us in, we will be “remantled”. I know there is no such word as “remantle”, but this is the word the Lord spoke to me in the same context. He’s been “dismantling” us, in order to “remantle” us with the fullness of the original calling and anointing, but now coming forth in authority because we’ve allowed Him to bring brokenness and humility into our lives.

Accusation, criticism, fault-finding, slander, misunderstanding, embarrassment, rejection, abandonment, discouragement and depression (as Elijah in the cave!), and quite possibly physical infirmities are just a small enumeration of what has come to try us, and at the same time sift us. This does not mean that this process is over, but now His life, purpose and grace will empower the calling as we’re refitted to bear His mantle. It’s been a “long and winding road”, but we’ve been led back to His door. The way has been wounding, dark and humbling, but walking through the valley of the shadow of death has brought us into the “house of the Lord”, to stand in His presence and minister from His authority. We’ve been training for battle, to destroy the works of darkness, but they had to be destroyed in us first. He’s standing this army on its feet (Ezek 37) and is about to breathe upon us with a mighty Spirit-wind. Carry on soldier…and Godspeed….
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