Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Warrior-King By Mike McClung

To be able to move into and operate in the new season of restoration set before us, we are going to have to change our mindsets about the Lord and His ways and purposes.

In 2007, the Lord gave me Joshua 3 and Joshua 5 as a sort of “template” to outline what would be coming in the next five to seven years. All of what the Lord has been doing in the body of Christ over the last five years has been to ready us to enter into this final season of restoration and harvest, in order to prepare for His bodily return to rule this earth. This has meant intense training for the sons and daughters of God so as to forge His image and likeness in us. This is so that He can release His authority and power through us, which, in turn, will bring the justice and restoration all the prophets have prophesied (Acts 3:19-21). He’s preparing a wilderness offspring-generation for battle to destroy the works of darkness, induce a harvest of the earth as His inheritance, and prepare the earth and the nations for His return and rule. Wilderness mindsets (which are a mixture between that of the kingdom of God and the ways and means of the world system) cannot get us into this new place, nor can they operate with any effectiveness in this new realm. Before His glory and His judgments are released that will “balance the books” and remove everything that hinders His love and plans, He must deal with unscriptural mindsets and methods that are hindrances, at best, and heresies, at worst.

Joshua 5 tells us of an encounter with the Lord that Joshua, the chosen, anointed, “apostolic” leader had to have to equip him and the covenant people in order to prevail over the enemy. They were about to face powers and strongholds they never imagined could exist much less be defeated. Their previous generation’s leaders saw the nephilim (“giants”) offspring inhabiting the land, responded with fear and rebellion, falsely accused the Lord and Moses, and thus disqualified themselves from possessing the Lord’s (and their!) inheritance. Coming out of Egypt (a type of the world system governed by Satan), and wandering, wilderness mindsets (the above mentioned mixture) had to be completely repented of and dealt with in order to become the “kingdom partner” of God they were chosen to be. Even Joshua himself had to have a deeper, heart-level, mindset-altering encounter with the Lord be get him ready to engage.

Joshua 5:13-15: “And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted his eyes and looked, and behold, a Man stood opposite him with His sword drawn in His hand. And Joshua went to Him and said to Him, ‘Are You for us or for our adversaries?’ So He said, ‘No, but as Commander of the army of the LORD I have now come.’ And Joshua fell on his face to the earth and worshiped, and said to Him, ‘What does my Lord say to His servant?’ Then the Commander of the LORD'S army said to Joshua, ‘Take your sandal off your foot, for the place where you stand is holy.’ And Joshua did so.”

Joshua’s qualifications to lead Israel into battle into the promised inheritance were spending almost every waking moment in the presence of the Lord in the tabernacle of meeting (Ex. 33:11), and ministering to Moses (Ex. 24:13). Joshua did have experience as a warrior as he led the “boots on the ground” battle with Amalek in the valley of Rephidim (Ex. 17:7-18). He also was there watching the interaction between Moses and the Lord as they met face-to-face when the glory of the Lord manifested on the mountain (Ex. 24:13-18). What a resume! Yet, even Joshua did not recognize the Lord as He manifested Himself for this new season! Joshua had known Him as Provider, Redeemer, Lawgiver, Friend of Moses, the Bridegroom-God of Israel (Ex. 20), the Healer (Ex. 15), etc,  but He did not recognize the Lord as He presented Himself for victory in the new season – the Warrior-King.

Joshua was originally told by the Lord in Joshua 3:4 that the path that He was taking them was a path that no one had gone before. Only the Lord, Himself knew the way and He would lead them to victory. There was not a prophet, apostle, pastor, teacher or evangelist who had ever faced what they were about to face, nor did they have the anointing, knowledge or wisdom to engage it. Joshua could not look through the prism of the past, in any form, and be able to make it! The Lord was taking them on a path they had never been on, and would be using methods and ways never before seen. They also were about to experience the Lord in a dimension never known before – the Warrior-King who executes judgment to set things in order, remove satanic forces and strongholds, and to prepare His people to be a sanctuary for His presence. The battles they had known in the past were mostly battles with the “flesh”, but now they were going to face satanic forces and strongholds they could not have imagined. Only the Lord Himself, in their midst, with them fully cooperating with Him as surrendered partners, would be able to prevail over these enemies. To accomplish this, there had to first be a change of mindset (repentance) take place from the “top down”!

This must happen now in the body of Messiah as we prepare for battle to work with the Lord to bring in the end-time harvest of the nations looming before us. Demonic powers and strongholds have had very little damage done to them by the existing, organized church. It’s not working! All the money, “ministry” activity and meetings have not accomplished transformation and the overthrow of existing structures, mindsets and strongholds. BUT…we’re about to see the Lord in a way that we have heard about with the hearing, but not heretofore experienced. This does not mean our Redeemer, Healer, Shepherd, Bridegroom lessens in any of these manifestations we have experienced. It just means the Warrior-King is about to make Himself known (Rev. 19:11-16)! When we see and experience Him this way, we will be broken, humbled and surrendered in an even deeper way than ever, thus fitting us to work with Him to see His inheritance become a possession!
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