To be able to move into and
operate in the new season of restoration set before us, we are going to have to
change our mindsets about the Lord and His ways and purposes.
In 2007, the Lord gave me Joshua
3 and Joshua 5 as a sort of “template” to outline what would be coming in the
next five to seven years. All of what the Lord has been doing in the body of
Christ over the last five years has been to ready us to enter into this final
season of restoration and harvest, in order to prepare for His bodily return to
rule this earth. This has meant intense training for the sons and daughters of
God so as to forge His image and likeness in us. This is so that He can release
His authority and power through us, which, in turn, will bring the justice and
restoration all the prophets have prophesied (Acts 3:19-21). He’s preparing a
wilderness offspring-generation for battle to destroy the works of darkness,
induce a harvest of the earth as His inheritance, and prepare the earth and the
nations for His return and rule. Wilderness mindsets (which are a mixture
between that of the kingdom
of God and the ways and
means of the world system) cannot get us into this new place, nor can they
operate with any effectiveness in this new realm. Before His glory and His
judgments are released that will “balance the books” and remove everything that
hinders His love and plans, He must deal with unscriptural mindsets and methods
that are hindrances, at best, and heresies, at worst.