Thursday, March 20, 2014

Vision: Restoration of the Fear of the Lord - 7/6/2001 By Mike McClung

[The following is a vision that I received, almost 13 years ago. This vision came a little over one year in the first “cycle of two sevens” that the body of Christ and the world, has just come out of this past Rosh Hashanah. We are now entering “the times of restoration of all things, which God has spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the world began” (Acts 3:21). Although I believe a modicum of this vision has been fulfilled, the Lord has prompted me to release this vision again, indicating to me that the fullness of its fulfillment will be manifesting this year, and increasing each year beyond 2014 – Mike McClung – March 2014]

On Friday, July 6, 2001, the following vision was given to me while I was leading the “Praying through the Psalms” intercessory worship watch at the then operating, International House of Prayer-Knoxville.

In the midst of praying through Psalm 36, the Lord gave me a vision of a fully armed Warrior riding a horse, wielding a very large sword, coming out of the midst of the throne of God. The immediate thought that filled my heart was that He was coming in judgment and discipline. He was very “fierce” and awesome in appearance.

I felt the Holy Spirit tell me that the sword represented His truth, and that He was coming to judge compromise and lawlessness in the church, before beginning in the earth. Lawlessness consists of rebellion/witchcraft and insubordination (stubbornness) as related in 1 Sam. 15:22-23. The Lord is releasing a new anointing on His word that will destroy the false gospel and false teaching that has led the church into compromise and complacency, and has allowed the spirit of lawlessness (antichrist) to remain in and permeate the church through rebellion and lack of submission.

The previous day, Thursday, July 5, at the beginning of the afternoon intercessory worship watch set aside to intercede for God’s word and power to be released in greater manifestation, I had another vision. This one was of an angel being dispatched from the throne of God with a scroll (message) in his hand, which he was to deliver leaders in the Body of Christ. I believe both visions are related to the same purpose.

As the angel left on his mission to deliver the message, I noticed the scroll had fire and bolts of lightning coming from it. It was then I felt that the Holy Spirit was telling me that this message being brought back to the church was “the fear of the Lord,” which, when the church receives this message, it will bring great delight to the heart of the Lord (see Isaiah 33:6).

The vision of the angel being sent to deliver the message means this truth is being released and restored, and the vision of the Lord as a Warrior with His sword drawn means His authority is being released to back-up the message.

As the fear of the Lord is restored, it will bring repentance, deliverance and healing to willing hearts, but strong discipline and judgment to the rebellious and stubborn. I believe the discipline of the Lord will begin to manifest immediately as this message is released in the anointing and TIMING of the Lord. Timing is crucial for the message to have its full effect. It must be done under the control of the Holy Spirit. The message of the fear of the Lord will prove to be one of two things the Lord is setting before the Body of Christ: 1) “hurtfully destructive,” which means it will cause lasting “damage,” or, 2) “painfully redemptive,” which means it will carry pain with it, but will be superintended by great compassion and mercy. Either way, the Lord’s glory and redemptive purposes will be carried out, and His fullness and glory restored to the body of Christ.
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